SLOWFIT® offers 3 types of experiences
different under the same methodology.
The central headquarters in Barcelona has become our hallmark of quality and is a reference in the Fitness sector with an area of over 350 square meters of careful design and high technology, featuring more than 50 strength machines controlled by our software “My Slowfit”. It incorporates the “Slowfit Score”, a sensor system that allows measuring the quality of exercise. Slowfit Central also includes Medx medical equipment for the spine and 3 units of state-of-the-art robotic technology.
The size of Slowfit Central allows, in addition to personal sessions, our clients to complement their training with autonomous sessions.
C/ Segalar 10-12, 08014, Barcelona
These are smaller and exclusive spaces where you will train alone or with a maximum of one other client at the same time.
Slowfit Exclusive uses the same Medx equipment as Slowfit Central and the same software “My Slowfit” with the new sensor system, incorporating state-of-the-art robotic technology. Privacy is maximized, with only Personal Training sessions taking place in an exclusive environment and service.
These are smaller and exclusive spaces where you will train alone or with a maximum of one other client at the same time.
Our franchises Slowfit use the same methodology and the software “My Slowfit”. All trainers have passed rigorous quality level tests and only have MedX or Nautilus machines.
Paseo Independencia Nº24-26, Planta 8, Oficina 1, Zaragoza
Carrer d'Argentona, 24, 08302, Mataró, Barcelona.
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I WANT ITHello, I'm Slowy, your personal assistant at Slowfit.
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